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EARSC Survey on Public Sector Institutions with activities in EO and geo-information

Copernicus is a European programme devoted to delivering geo­information for public policy makers throughout the EU. It has a second goal which is to help develop the downstream industry. EARSC (European Association of Remote Sensing Companies) is collecting evidence on the benefits of Copernicus for the 2017 mid­term review through this survey and another which addresses the private sector.

In 2012/2013 EARSC conducted a survey, on behalf of ESA, to map the state and health of the companies providing EO services in Europe. Results can be found at this link (studies). We are updating the survey and shall extend the coverage to understand wider employment in the sector to include public sector organisations (PSB´s) generating or using geospatial information products, dealing with data analysis and re-distribution of EO data throughout Europe.

This survey for Public Sector Bodies aims to complete the information which will help understand the full impact of the programme. Your contribution is really valuable to us and we should appreciate you taking the time to complete the questionnaire for your institution that can be found at

Attached you could find the pdf questionnaire for supervision.

If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Mónica Miguel-Lago (EARSC executive secretary)

Introduction to the Survey

A detailed understanding of the Earth Observation sector and the trends is essential to help stakeholders to plan their activities and to assess the effectiveness of their actions. Public sector organizations have a strong interest to ensure that accurate and up-to-date information is available. This will help inform stakeholders on the priorities for future EO value adding activities and pave the way for other stakeholder actions. It will provide critical data to help set budgets for EO research and development.

Active participation by the PSB´s working in Earth Observation is critical to ensure that the survey can meet the objectives of furnishing a sufficiently comprehensive and accurate picture of the current Earth Observation and geo-informaiton status and health. These information will help also to identify priority issues, dominant opportunities, threats and other concerns facing the sector.

We are using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for transmitting private information via the Internet. It essentially works through a cryptographic system that secures a connection between a client and a server. Many websites use this protocol to obtain confidential user information and it is supported in all modern browsers.

EARSC, the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies is a non-profit-making organization created in 1989. The mission of EARSC is to foster the development of European Geo-Information Service Industry. Our main objective is to stimulate a sustainable market for geo-information services using EO data, which is openly accessible to all members. More information at

Thank you very much for your active participation,
EARSC secretariat.

PSB Survey final.pdf