Extended deadline submissions: Feb 20th, 2007
Dear GMES Partner,
Your work contributes significantly to the development of operational services from remote sensing imagery and geospatial data, which is the major goal of the European GMES. We are proud that Definiens eCognition™ Technology benefits GMES service chains by providing accurate, cost-efficient and reliable information from remote sensing data; therefore, we want to thank our users and honour their work with the two Definiens awards:
Definiens GMES Innovation Award 2007 for successful GMES Services
We will help the Definiens GMES Innovation Award winner to further increase quality and service automation by awarding a Definiens Developer and Definiens eCognition™ Server license, four days of Definiens training and a professionally written case study.
Definiens GMES Research Award 2007 for leading edge research work using Definiens eCognition™ within GMES or related services
The Definiens GMES Research Award winner will receive an entry to IGARSS 2007 and the unique opportunity to meet Nobel Laureate and Definiens founder Prof. Gerd Binnig at Definiens Munich to present his/her work.
The main award evaluation criteria will be customer satisfaction, the merit of the envisaged service roll-out and the degree of production chain innovation for increased automation and standardization. Mark Doherty (European Space Agency), Christine Bernot (European Commission) and Prof. Gerd Binnig (Definiens AG) will form the steering committee to select the best contributions.
How to participate:
Please complete the online application - this should take no more than 15 minutes. A short list of finalists will be contacted to present more details of their work for consideration in the final judging.
Please complete your online entry no later than February 6th, 2007.
If you wish to enter two or more services, please be sure to complete a separate application for each service.
We are looking forward to your contribution and are available for any questions at award@definiens.com.
Your Definiens Team
Please note:
1) The evaluation of your contribution shall be in the absolute discretion of the steering committee. Any legal measures against the steering committee’s assessment shall be excluded.
2) All your project data will only be used for the Definiens GMES Awards and Definiens GMES Research Award Evaluation. Any further usage will be subject to your written approval.
3) The Award application form can also be found manually at by typing the following address into your browser: http://www.zoomerang.com/recipient/survey-intro.zgi?p=WEB2262JRJ7XP5