We’ve just finished the first Defence and Intelligence Survey and thought it would be of interest to you.
This study was conducted in September 2013 with 322 senior-level defence and intelligence professionals from defence and government organisations worldwide. It was designed to help benchmark the current ‘state of the industry’, looking at what their current requirements and concerns are and where they see future trends heading. We hope these results will bring new insight to the industry as to precisely what the key decision makers are focusing on and how they see their budgets shifting.
The survey highlights a challenge faced by virtually all ‘big-data’-driven industries: Where to put data and how to use it. 44% of respondents have said that their main requirement for the next 1-2 years is for data to be available in a timely manner. With 66% of respondents planning to invest in new GIS technology in the next 3 years, could we expect a step-change in the industry?
Download The DGI 2014 Benchmarking Survey Here
Dan Mellins-Cohen.nEditor – DGI 2014