Policy field(s)
Research and Technology
Target group(s)
Member of an FP7 Programme Committee, Member of an FP7 Advisory Group, National Contact Point, Evaluator of proposals (peer reviewer), Involved (now or earlier) in a project of the Framework Programme, Other (individual or organisation).
Period of consultation
From 02/07/2010 to 27/08/2010
Objective of the consultation
This survey addresses the Interim Evaluation of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)
The Interim Evaluation of FP7 is being carried out by a group of independent experts, supported by an extensive base of evidence. In order to provide the experts with a range of opinions and views about the functioning and achievements of FP7, this interactive consultation has been set up to allow for contributions both from those with direct experience of the FP, as well as any groups or individuals who wish to give their views. The survey addresses stakeholders including major users of FP7, research organisations and firms.