The conference was attended by Ms. Iskra Mihaylova – Minister of Environment and Water of Bulgaria and Acad. Stefan Vodenitcharov, Chairman of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. For conference speakers were invited: four members of EARSC as a three of them are executive board members -Mr. Geoff Sawyer, General Secretary of EARSC, Mr. Francis Vanderhagen, Senior Advisor of the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), Mr. Kamen Iliev, Director of Bulgarian Centre for National Security and Defence Research and Mrs. Milena Kurteva, General Manager of Eurosense EOOD Bulgaria as well as government experts from the Ministry of Environment and Waters of Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy and Energy of Bulgaria and other bulgarian government structures.
The Conference presented two panels. The first panel explored the synergy between the business and the state for successful implementation of the operational program “Environment” 2014-2020. The second panel discussed how research and innovation can be a key tool to achieve competitiveness in the field of public-private partnerships in the new programming period of the European Union. The panels were very well received, with high approval ratings.
The conference was attended by more than 100 persons including representatives of the state and municipal governments, non-government organizations, scientific society, private companies offering services in the field of aero-space technology, geodesy and cartography, as well as students and interested citizens.
In conclusion, the participants expressed high satisfaction with the conference goal and also complimented the organizers for bringing together exclusive group of speakers, all of whom are leading practitioners in their own field.
The conference was closed by cocktail reception in the occasion of the 10th anniversary of EUROSENSE on the Bulgarian market.
The company is leader in geospatial innovations in Bulgaria and all services offered by EUROSENSE are fully integrated within the organization: aerial photography, processing and interpretation of digital satellite images, development of photogrammetric and topographic maps, digital orthophoto images, aerial laser scanning, hydrographic and thermographic measurements, development of databases in the field of GIS and consulting services.
Thanks to its highly qualified personnel EUROSENSE provides customers with true and reliable geospatial data with precision and high quality, in open and clear project management within the agreed time and project budget.
During the conference EUROSENSE presented its technology solutions and services in the field of remote sensing, 3D modeling for urban planning, management of coastal zone, dikes, highways, railway lines and power lines heating systems, waste deposit and warm water drainage, heat losses through roofs, urban and regional land management, applications for agriculture, risk management, safety and security.
Source Eurosense