For the first time the document reveals the likely components of
the policy, namely: a strategy outlining objectives; a definition of
the roles and responsibilities of the main actors; a European Space
Programme identifying the priorities of the main actors; and a set of
implementing principles.
The draft outline has been prepared by a
joint EC-European Space Agency (ESA) secretariat, and follows
discussions with EU Member State representatives and industry. The
paper will be further developed following a meeting of the Space
Council on 7 June, and then submitted to the Space Council for
approval. The policy is expected to be finalised before the end of
The role of the EU within the future
European Space Policy will include defining the priorities and
requirements for space-based systems that will serve the EU‘s main
objectives and policies, as well as citizens’ needs, and building up
political will and user demand in support of these.
EU will also ensure the availability and continuity of services
supporting EU policies by funding relevant up-stream research
activities, securing deployment and operational phases of space systems
and, where appropriate, stimulating user funding.
ESA, in agreement with its member
countries and cooperating states will be responsible for the technical
specification of the space segment of space application programmes;
developing and implementing space technologies, in particular in access
to space, science and exploration; and pursuing excellence in
scientific research in, of and from space. ESA will also advise the EU
on space segment requirements needed to ensure the availability and
continuity of services.
The policy‘s
priorities relate to two objectives: the exploitation and exploration
of space. The EU‘s priorities will be driven by the potential that
space has to contribute to its policies and activities, and will
therefore focus on applications. In particular, the EU‘s current
priorities are Galileo, its satellite navigations system; GMES (global
monitoring for environment and security); and long term research into
satellite communication technologies in the context of the European
Information Society in 2010 initiative (i2010).
will focus on the exploration of space, and on the basic tools on which
the exploitation and exploration of space depend: access to space,
scientific knowledge and space technologies. The communication states
that the European Space Policy will be accompanied by three new
- a sector-specific industrial policy, enabling Europe to
ensure the industrial and critical technological sources and
competences required; - a policy on international cooperation that meets the wide geopolitical objectives of EU external relations policies;
- instruments for investing in programmes and for ensuring their efficient management.
In terms of international cooperation, the
paper reasserts that ‘space activities are global by nature’, and
recommends that Europe should intensify its partnership with Russia,
maintain cooperation with the US in the fields of science and
applications, and initiate or extend cooperation with emerging space
Much of the funding for the EU‘s
activities will come from the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for
research and technological development. Galileo and GMES were taken
into account when the Commission put forward its proposal for FP7, and
other activities will also be eligible for funding under the
programme‘s various thematic priorities. Other funding may come from
sources such as the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
The legal framework for the policy has
yet to be decided upon. The communication sets out a number of possible
scenarios, which include:
- the EU taking substantially more responsibility for
identifying and bringing together user needs; aggregating political
will; ensuring the necessary technology developments to meet these
needs; and ensuring the availability and continuity of services; - ESA responding to developments in the relationship with an enlarged EU;
- the EU reflecting upon whether it has the appropriate mechanisms for managing its space activities.
(Credits Cordis News)