ARCTUS Inc. (CA), a subsidiary of ACRI-ST, is pleased to announce that its project "earth observation solutions addressing coastal erosion issue, their impacts on ecosystems and the risks to infrastructure assets" has been selected in the Climate Change Impacts and Ecosystem Resilience (CCIER) programme of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The project was prepared with Argans Ltd of Plymouth (UK), another subsidiary of ACRI-ST, Hatfield Consultants of Vancouver (CA), and the Chair of coastal geoscience at the University of Québec in Rimouski /UQAR (CA). It shall extend the work of the ESA-funded ‘Coastal Erosion’ project monitored by Olivier Arino at ESA/ESRIN in Frascati (IT), which is led by the aforementioned Argans Ltd (UK), and involves national institutes such as BGS (UK), GSI (IR), and IHCantabria (SP), or their commercial delegates such as IGN-FI (FR), as well as companies such as isardSat (SP), the aforementioned ARCTUS (CA), and adwäisEO (LU), another ACRI-ST subsidiary.
New Earth Observation (EO) products, specifically designed to help monitor the impact of climate change on coastal zones with ice presence, shall be tested for their usefulness in policy planning and coastal management decision-making. These new EO products, and related novel tools, if adopted, would be used as part of local policy implementation to help mitigate vulnerabilities. It is the first step in the implementation of an effective monitoring system capable of providing up-to-date information on coastal areas, including shore-ice width and thickness in winter time, suspended sediment transport, shoreline erosion or accretion, and the status of coastal vegetated habitats, whose dynamics may allow the forecast of changes to-come.
Arctus Inc. is a private R&D company providing research, development and applications in remote sensing, Earth Observation and Geographical Information System (GIS) technologies for governmental agencies, scientific communities and the general public. Our company is specialized optical remote sensing of aquatic environments, from lakes to oceans.
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