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CLS: satellites to fight against illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing

In order to fight against illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing, the IOC* (Indian Ocean
Commission) chose CLS, worldwide leader of satellite-based environmental data collection,
location and ocean observations, to install a Fishing Monitoring Centre in Moroni, Comoros.

(Jan 2007) Tuna and tuna-like resources are either fully or over-exploited (annual captures of 1.5 million
tonnes with associated value of €3 billion), with foreign fishing nations as the predominant
actors. IUU (Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported) fishing accounts is for approximately 10% of
large pelagic captures (tuna and tuna-like fish species). Meanwhile revenue generation,
employment and food security are of critical importance to the coastal states which would also
like to take a much more active role in the fishery industry.
The IOC decided to start a pilot project for tracking, controlling and monitoring large migratory
pelagics in the Indian Ocean.
In this context, the European Union and the Comoros Islands signed a bilateral fishery
agreement authorizing access to the Comorian seas for European fleets. This exploitation
protocol for halieutic resources will allow 40 European tuna boats and 17 European long-liners
to fish in the Comorian maritime area.
In the spirit of sustainable development and exploitation of marine resources, IOC appoints
CLS for the delivery of a turnkey VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) solution. This project will
permit the Comoros Islands to monitor the activity of foreign fishing vessels operating in
Comorian exclusive economic zone and national vessels operating under licence in
This solution includes a Fishing Monitoring Centre (infrastructure, administration and fisheries
monitoring software, communication network by satellites, training of the Comorian team etc.),
Argos transmitters for Comorian vessels, and complementary services.
CLS already equips 8,000 fishing vessels of all size all over the world (1,500 vessels in
Indonesia, 900 in Peru, 500 in Japan, etc.). CLS is the only satellite operator in the world able
to master/operate/control all the components of the system. The French company specifies
and certifies Argos transmitters. CLS has been the exclusive Argos system operator since
1978 without any interruption. CLS has already developed and installed numerous Fishing
Monitoring Centres in France, Peru, Seychelles, Madagascar, Russia, Mauritania and more
recently in Chile.
*IOC: Indian Ocean Commission – Members States: Mauritius, Seychelles, Comoros, Madagascar and France (Reunion).
Press Release
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Tel. +33 5 61 39 37 95
Port. +33 6 62 80 45 92
8-10 rue Hermès
Parc Technologique du Canal
31520 Ramonville Saint-Agne
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(Source CLS)