Hybrid cloud from Poland
ECMWF is an international organization for weather forecasting and climate analysis. In May this year, it announced the creation and operation of a satellite data acquisition and processing system for climate change monitoring (Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) for which it is responsible within the framework of Copernicus – the European Earth Observation Programme. Aligned with the European Cloud Computing Strategy, adopted by the European Commission, the Copernicus strategy foresees an incremental and fast adoption of cloud based infrastructures. In line with these aims, and taking into consideration the huge volumes of data needed to be transferred into the system, it has been decided to host the CDS on a fully managed On-premises Private Cloud with an additional Public Cloud service to allow for further growth – the Hybrid Cloud solution. The data repository will be made available to a fully managed local private cloud with additional public cloud service, allowing for further growth. Twelve companies, including European market leaders, participated in an open tender where quality and price of the solution were of equal importance. CloudFerro’s hybrid cloud – a combination of a private and public cloud – proved to be the best and the Polish company signed a contract with ECMWF worth 1.3 million euros. The contract has been signed for 15 months with the possibility of extending it and increasing the scope of services provided by CloudFerro.
Innovative and reliable
We have proposed an innovative cloud solutions, which have been successfully used by customers in Poland and abroad. By winning the tender we have confirmed the highest quality of our technology and services based on it. It is more valuable for us to have achieved this by competing with European market leaders. It also shows that our solutions perfectly meet the needs articulated in the European Cloud Computing Strategy emphasizes Maciej Krzyżanowski, CEO of CloudFerro.
Thanks to the CloudFerro technology, ECMWF will use its own private cloud while having access to the public cloud at eocloud.cloudferro.com, created by the Polish company. Both solutions are based on OpenStack’s open source cloud-based system and are entirely managed by CloudFerro. The reliability and flexibility of the solution offered is extremely important since it will be at the heart of the C3S infrastructure. The system is designed to provide a consolidated view and point of access to climate data distributed over multiple data suppliers. All C3S data will be catalogued in the CDS, and augmented with quality information that allows data users to easily appraise, discover and select appropriate data. The private cloud at ECMWF will have about 1 PetaByte (1 000 TeraBytes) of storage space linked to the computing environment.
EOCloud – the biggest and the best
The unique base of satellite data combined with the fast computing cloud – EO Cloud – has been created by CloudFerro as a result of a bid for the Earth Observation Innovaitive Platform Testbed (EO IPT). The company won it jointly with Polish Creotech Instruments SA and German Brockmann Consult in late 2015 as a consortium member responsible for technology development. It is one of the biggest and best cloud solutions on the market. CloudFerro’s repository has recently reached 5 PB – it is an equivalent of disk space of ca. 5000 laptops – with daily receipt of 15 to 25 TB of new data.
EO Cloud has nearly 5 million satellite imagery products from Earth observations made by European satellites within Copernicus project. It provides Sentinel 1 radar observations, transmits multiple optical images of Sentinel 2 and delivers meteorological observations of Sentinel 3 satellites. The EO Cloud also includes historical data from Landsat, Envisat and Sentinel satellites. All data may be searched in a simple, quick and convenient way at https://finder.eocloud.eu and viewed with http://apps.eocloud.sentinel-hub.com/eo-browser
Should you need any further information regarding CloudFerro’s products and services, please do not hesitate to contact Maciej Krzyżanowski: mkrzyzanowski@cloudferro.com