(Jan 2007) Dr. Charles Randell, President and
Chief Executive Officer at C-CORE states “these are exciting times at C-CORE as we
continue to evolve our service offerings throughout the world. For the oil and gas
component of our business, we set an ambitious target to double foreign contracts this
year. Through aggressive marketing, defining our niche and doing excellent work, we
have achieved an increase of over 300%”.
Chief Executive Officer at C-CORE states “these are exciting times at C-CORE as we
continue to evolve our service offerings throughout the world. For the oil and gas
component of our business, we set an ambitious target to double foreign contracts this
year. Through aggressive marketing, defining our niche and doing excellent work, we
have achieved an increase of over 300%”.
As C-CORE expands it is successfully
recruiting very highly qualified Newfoundlanders and Labradorians from across the
country and around the world to return home to work and grow, not only C-CORE, but
the province’s reputation as a leading player in the development and provision of
advanced engineering services and solutions.
recruiting very highly qualified Newfoundlanders and Labradorians from across the
country and around the world to return home to work and grow, not only C-CORE, but
the province’s reputation as a leading player in the development and provision of
advanced engineering services and solutions.
Based in St. John’s, Newfoundland, C-CORE is a global corporation providing innovative engineering
services in the areas of remote sensing, intelligent systems, ice engineering and geotechnical engineering.
For more information, please contact:
David Gullage
St. John’s
(Source C-CORE)