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Metria Miljöanalys, based in Stockholm, is a service provider that focuses on the operational use of remote sensing and GIS techniques for forestry and environmental applications as well as security-related aspects. The personnel at Metria Miljöanalys have a thorough knowledge and a long-term experience in remote sensing and GIS, and have a combination of academic and professional expertise in various relevant fields. We do business by in-depth understanding of customers need and development of attractive services. Metria has a total staff of 420, of which more than 100 work with EO- and GIS-related tasks.
Metria is one of three divisions within Lantmäteriet, the National Land Survey of Sweden. Lantmäteriet is a Government agency, which overall goal is to support an efficient and sustainable use of land and water. The total staff of Lantmäteriet is over 2,000, and the annual turnover is 160 million Euro, of which 77 percent is generated through charging fees on real property formation, the use of information from databases and on consultancy services. Core grants from the Government are used primarily for producing basic geographic data and managing and maintaining registers and databases.
Metria carries out its services on contract and operates in competition with other Swedish and international companies in national and international markets. Metria has a total staff of 420, of which more then 100 work with EO- and GIS-related tasks. Services and products supplied by Metria include consultancy services in the EO- and GIS-sector, in surveying and mapping, cadastral services, database access via Internet, application and system development. Metria has at its disposal a wide range of resources for geographic data capture, data processing and refinement, and for system development within geographic IT. Metria also offers consultancy services within geographic information technology, which are based on state-of-the-art technology and design, and aimed at the development of customised and integrated system solutions for an efficient use of the geographic information. Metria‘s clients are to be found in both the private sector, such as forestry, utility and telecommunications companies, and in the public sector.
Metria has a long standing experience in the distribution of all kind of satellite data and other geo-data, and is the prime source for satellite data and digital/analogue aerial photography in Sweden. Metria is the Swedish distributor for all the major civilian Earth observation satellite systems such as SPOT, Landsat, Radarsat, Ikonos, QuickBird and other. IMAGE 2000 was led by Metria delivering orthocorrected Landsat data over Europe. Yearly national coverage, 450 000 km2, of SPOT/Landsat data is on-going since 1999 delivered to a wide range of customers, mainly in the forestry domain. Recently Metria acquired an order of nationwide colouring of panchromatic aerial orthophotos with satellite data. This is published on Internet on national search engines for private, commercial and public addresses and telephone numbers. More detailed information than in “Goggle Earth” is now public available for Sweden.

“pan aerial orthophoto coloured by satellite data”
Metria Miljöanalys
Metria is represented in EARSC by Metria Miljöanalys, which is Metria’s unit for Earth Observation applications. Metria Miljöanalys, based in Stockholm, is a service provider that focuses on the operational use of remote sensing and GIS techniques for forestry and environmental applications as well as security-related aspects. The personnel at Metria Miljöanalys have a thorough knowledge and a long-term experience in remote sensing and GIS, and have a combination of academic and professional expertise in various relevant fields. This includes a combination of academic and professional expertise in the fields of biology, ecology, physical geography, forestry, technical engineering, environmental monitoring and management at regional and national levels. Project management skills at regional to international level are also well documented. These past and present engagements have led to a vast network of co-operation partners and well established contacts with users. This user network includes Swedish users from county to national level, as well as users within the Baltic Sea Region. In our entire project portfolio, users play a vital and active role. About 2/3 of Metria Miljöanalys yearly turnaround of about 2.2 MEuro derives from services to customers and 1/3 from R&D funding (national, EU 6th framework etc).
”SPOT-VGT classification of Baltic sea region”

Environmental applications

Environmental applications include mapping of state and changes in the environment. Analyses of requested environmental parameters are also part of delivered services. Most important customers are the Swedish Environment Protection Agency and County administrative boards.
Large areas in Sweden are supposed to be protected until 2010 and to locate potential areas of interest multitemporal satellite data where used to provide customers with an analysis of “large areas of untouched forests”. This was then used in order to find new areas to protect. Metria Miljöanalys has an on-going service where all protected areas (national parks, nature reserves, Natura2000-sites) are mapped on regular basis. This information are also utilised in regional analysis of future needs for protection. Metria is also highly involved in the ongoing Natura2000 mapping in Sweden. Recently also marine and coastal habitats are mapped and analysed by GIS and remote sensing. Nordic co-operation is ongoing within this application.
Metria Miljöanalys was programme manager for the RESE (Remote Sensing for the Environment) programme, 1997-2005. It was the largest research programme for applied remote sensing in Sweden, with an overall budget of 10 MEuro, and included development of user-oriented applications for remote sensing, also for “non-EO experts” within research and private/public organisations.
Metria produced CLC2000 for Sweden, but also developed and produced a more refined land cover product with minimum mapping unit of 1-5 hectares. Both these productions were fully digitally and highly automated. More regional land cover classifications include participation in Global Land Cover 2000 and a regional land cover database, BALANS, both covering the entire Baltic Sea Region. Metria was the coordinator of the latter project, which was financed within the EU framework programme. Metria is a partner in GSE Land and geoland (6th framework) projects.
” Mapping of National park, Tyresta”

Forestry applications

Within the forestry domain the Swedish Forest Agency as well as private forest companies are the most important customers. A wide range of services are offered and used in operational forestry. The Swedish Forest Agency use nationwide satellite data yearly for mapping of forest cuttings, detect need for pre-commercial thinning and as image background in GIS. Metria Miljöanalys have developed a tool, ENFORMA, especially for mapping of forest parameters such as forest cuttings (changes), forest damage and need for other forest operations. This tool is used by non-EO experts at the Forest Agency and forest companies and also used for production of services at Metria for Sweden and abroad. Other services based on EO data for the forestry domain includes mapping of errors in forest stand databases and mapping of forest of interest for timber purchase.
During the large hurricane in Sweden, early 2005, Metria mapped storm felled forest rapidly (part of the International Charter for Disaster) and has also developed a service for power distribution companies to map areas with great risks for power failures in forehand. This service is delivered recurrently.
Metria is a partner in GSE Forest Monitoring and in the EOMD-project Monitor.


Security applications
EO services concerning security are both for civilian and military use. Metria supplies the Swedish Armed Forces with EO support, including semi-automatic 3D modelling of urban areas in satellite data. Also the Swedish Rescue services get satellite maps and analyses, for example after the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in December 2004. A co-operation with the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate has developed the use of EO data for nuclear inspections and Metria Miljöanalys are involved in remote sensing training at IAEA since 2000.
Both development and production of services to humanitarian aid has been ongoing since 1999. A co-operation with UNOSAT and UNHCR has supported the development of requested services, both different types of satellite maps and semi-automatic shelter mapping in very-high resolution satellite data. Metria Miljöanalys is a partner in GSE RISK-EOS, PREVIEW (6th framework), Astro+ (6th framework) and GSE RESPOND.

“ Shelter identifier in VHR EO data”

More ifo at:

Metria Miljöanalys
Contact person: Erik Willén
Address: P.O. Box 24154, SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46-8-579 972 75
Fax: +46-8-579 972 80

Integrated Geographical Data Management Systems
Planetek Italia has been founded in 1994 positioning itself in the emerging market on the integration of satellite Earth Observation data within Geographical Information System. The company approach has always been a user centric one, fostering an alignment of the technology with the customer needs. In few years the company became a very well known brand within the European Research and Development arena, becoming an important contractor of the European Space Agency in the field of Earth Observation services development. More recently several opportunities in the field of Security and Natural Risk mitigation and management entered the scope of the company. A culture of organization, quality management and sound financial administration characterize the business model of Planetek Italia s.r.l.
Planetek Italia has been established in Bari, southern Italy, by the actual stakeholders. Good experience of the present CEO of the company in the field of space activities suggested an approach to the emerging market of Earth Observation and GIS supported by the user pull, more than inclined to the technology push of other market player. This attitude was also supported by a cross fertilization between the actual customer needs and the capabilities descending from the European research activities with the European Union, in the Framework Research Programs, and even more with European Space Agency. The company growth intercepted the emerging claim for a “useful” research by the Agency, offering a natural test bed for space assets with real world user.
With the clear objective of building a problem solver company Planetek Italia searched a strategic relation with Users as well as the opportunity of procure state of the art technology by universities and research centres. But clear model business it’s not enough, to make successfully a company, also management and business administration are fundamental. Planetek Italia management was convinced that the strengths of the company was flexibility and human resources, for this reason a ERP program was developed and integrated with administration. The flow of each single project is monitored this way in compliance to the ISO 9001 2000 quality control system of the company. Also the company organization, trough flexible “Cluster” approach reflect the policy of the management. In the last three years Planetek Italia invested in R&D more then 1 M€, and each year more than 3% of total manpower is devoted to training and education.
In 2005 the company topped the 3 M€ revenue target and started a reverse value engineering process with two goals, prepare growth and preserve margins: Planetek Extended approach was ignited. The idea was to leverage on the good relation with university and at the same time benefit from the opportunities of new emerging geographical market, and new service and products. An extended company increase the capabilities to address a wider range of services, in this way the company capabilities become virtually unlimited, the only limits become the partner procurement and it’s management. As a later development of this approach we can site the establishment of a company spin-off called Geo-K, in Italy, and a sister company in Greece, called Planetek Hellas
Planetek Italia Technical Background
Photo Credits: ©ESA
Planetek Italia capabilities are based on mastering a set of enabling technologies integrated with supporting technologies. The role of system integration platform is normally played by GIS software development. These systems normally provide the software tools and primitives to handle geographic information, design powerful man machine interface, interact with geodatabase and naturally with more traditional alphanumerical database.
The increasing use of network based application, and their use of huge image (so called raster) data set require also a specific software integration platform that is provided by the image web server™ architecture, on witch Planetek Italia deliver it’s Carta@net™ solution for WebGIS applications.
The company has a wide experience as turnkey system integrator, software developer and solution provider. Planetek Italia is oriented to the solution rather than the technology; anyway it masters all the IT technology in order to offer state of the art solutions.
Transform data remotely sensed by satellite system into useful information call for special abilities. The information extraction, or value adding on this data involve competence on statistical image processing, signal processing, data mining. More than this a peculiar capability reside in the elicit of user need, transform this in structured requirements and from this define clear system specification. This activity is particularly complicated by the need of fusion of disparate data set originating from sources spanning from microwaves to ultraviolet, through visible and infrared.
As mentioned the Planetek Italia approach is founded on the use of GIS technology as data integration platform for data and applications. Even recently a vigorous effort have been produced in penance the capabilities of this systems in terms of user interface, flexibility, compliance to common standard, a non trivial activity of ad hoc personalization and interface with other tools, such as image processing tools, or flow control software should be deployed.
Furthermore new application and user requirements drive huge development, successfully mastered by Planetek Italia:
  1. The integration of physical networks and numerical models
  2. The data security issues
  3. The integration with navigational hardware like GPS terminals and telecommunication devices.
An example of this are the fleet management system solution provided by Planetek Italia where position information gathered by satellite navigation system is forwarded by GPRS wireless to GIS based control system that serves both back office requirements of the customer (fleet maintenance, security, service level monitoring, scheduling etc…) as well as passenger support services (schedule, display, reservation, etc.).
Application Fields
Planetek Italia deliverable consist in system and services that’s are instances of theirs capabilities with several application areas. Many are the international projects developed in cooperation with european partners in various non exclusive application fields such as Environmental monitoring, Civil Protection, Natural risks mitigation, Protection of waters and sealife, Agricultural and Forest monitoring, Technological Networks and Transport monitoring, European Security and Defence, Planetary Exploration. Details and documentation of international projects developed (e.g. SLAM Service, Kyoto-INV, GMES Urban Service Vampire, Forfait, Balu, Meduc, Lewis) can be found on Planetek Italia website at .
The Company provides also some of the most known products used in land management application and supports its customer in implementing knowledge and capacity through its routine and customized education programs.
Products and support on EO data (Ikonos, Spot, IRS, EROS), Image processing (ER Mapper, IWS, ECW Compressor), Desktop mapping and GIS (ESRI ArcGIS), Web Publishing (Image Web Server, Cart@net ).
Developed by Planetek Italia, Cart@net is the solution for the management and consultation of large raster datasets, ideal to distribute on-line catalogs of cartographic data. For some example please visit:
- Atlante Italiano (Italian Ministry of Environment)
(Cart@net Tsunami demo site)
Planetek Italia is a founder member of AIPAS, Italian Small and Medium Aerospace Enterprises Association, and is a member of AIT, Italian Remote Sensing Association. Planetek Italia is also member of AZIMUTH Consortium wich was formed to exploit the opportunities related to the GALILEO navigation system.
Photo Credits: ©ESA
The company gives a special attention to the growth of its territorial context. Planetek Italia believes in a continuous cooperation with research centers and with local and national universities to realize training stages, graduation theses, PhDs and scholarships successfully. At the same time, it started communication to promote the use of modern satellite monitoring techniques, organizing conferences, workshops and providing a free way, on its own web site, for a free complete course on remote sensing.
Planetek Italia S.r.l. is currently managed by founders of the company, Dr. Giovanni Sylos Labini (CEO), Dr. Maria Pappalepore (CFO), Dr. Vincenzo Barbieri (CMO) and Dr. Sergio Samarelli (CTO).
“Cart@net is a trademark of Plenetek Italia S.r.l.. Satellite images are a copyright of European Space Agency. Other trademarks are the porperty of teh respective owners. Planetek Italia S.r.l. is not responsible for unauthorized or any abuse in using data and information of the present document. For any question please contact
Planetek Italia S.r.l.
Address: Via Massaua 12, I-70123 Bari (Italy)
Phone: +39 080 5343750
Fax: +39 080 5340280
Contact Person: Paolo Manunta

ESYS is a highly successful, independent strategic consultancy which
helps its customers to maximise the benefit they gain from the
application of new technology to their businesses. Founded in 1990,
ESYS has established a reputation for delivering rigorous and
innovative work in the space and defence sectors. ESYS has subsequently
extended its reach to develop a strong presence in the areas of media,
telecommunications, environment, education and research, and satellite
navigation, serving a wide variety of government institutional and
commercial customers in the UK and Europe.

ESYS’ consultants offer skills in business analysis, market
strategy and policy and economic analysis based on an informed,
independent viewpoint. Operating across a wide range of application
domains and technologies enables us to offer our customers the benefit
of our wide experience. The cross fertilisation of knowledge and
experience across these sectors results in creative solutions to
complex problems.

ESYS in Earth Observation

Earth Observation consulting has been a
focus of ESYS’ business since the company’s formation. Over the past 15
years ESYS has supported the development of EO in Europe through a long
series of application development, market research and strategic
analysis projects. ESYS does not sell EO data or derived products and
so is able to offer a strictly independent view to our clients as well
as a non-competitive stance towards EO Value Added Resellers in the

ESYS has been extremely successful in
engaging new users of EO data and forming relationships between these
users and the European institutions and commercial re-sellers that can
meet their needs. In particular ESYS pioneered links with humanitarian
relief NGOs and over the past three years has established EO data as a
day to day reference source for this community through the Reuters
Alertnet Website. ESYS has also worked in a similar fashion with the
insurance, risk management and agriculture sectors.

These targeted studies complement our
sector-wide experience gained through a series of industry and market
analyses conducted for individual countries and at a European scale.
The features below highlight ESYS current focus in supporting the case
for the GMES programme and also outline the other domains in which ESYS
is active.

Supporting investment in environmental monitoring

ESYS is leading the way in developing
robust justifications for public investment in environmental monitoring
systems incorporating earth observation. With over 10 years experience
in the field, ESYS is now focusing on Europe’s Global Monitoring for
Environment and Security (GMES) programme. Combining technological
understanding, an appreciation of user needs, and skills in policy and
economic analysis, ESYS is supporting ESA, the EC and the UK Government
in understanding how to maximise the benefits of GMES.

ESYS consultants are working on
microeconomic analysis of cost effectiveness together with high level
strategic and macroeconomic analysis to present the economic, social
and environmental benefits of the programme. The applications domains
we have studied in detail include:

  • sea ice and glacier monitoring
  • oil spill and algae bloom detection
  • ocean modelling and forecasting
  • climate change research and monitoring
  • crop monitoring for food security
  • rapid mapping for humanitarian aid

Through our experience of similar
assignments in other technology fields we employ tried and tested
methodologies and rigorous analysis, always based on solid evidence.
Our outputs are carefully tuned to support policy and decision making
at the highest levels of Government.


second core technology expertise from the start of the company was
satellite telecommunications. ESYS has maintained a leading position in
this field, offering system engineering, market analysis and business
development services. Recent projects include:

  • On-site procurement contract monitoring for the customer of a major telecommunications satellite system
  • Development of innovative multicast solutions for captive audience networks in the professional and medical communities
  • Business case and prototyping for mobile satellite
    communications systems delivering multimedia services into aircraft and

Education and Research

ESYS undertakes programme assessment, IT
implementation advice and strategic analysis for customers in the UK
and Europe. Recent projects include:

  • Evaluation of the UK Climate Impact Programme for the UK Department for the Environment and Rural Affairs
  • IST results service: marketing the results of the EC Information
    Society Technologies research programme through a variety of events and
  • Scientific and management review of the UK Climate Research Programme (Hadley Centre)


ESYS has been supporting Europe’s
navigation programme since its inception, helping to develop the
investment case in both the public and private sectors. Much of our
recent work offers strong synergies with our EO programmes, including
application development and practical demonstrations for awareness
raising for the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System
(EGNOS) and Galileo. Recent projects include:

  • Managing the implementation of five
    EGNOS demonstration events including aviation flight trials, ship
    navigation and train control in Africa
  • Cost Benefit Analysis and examination of future development options for EGNOS
  • Global market analysis for satellite navigation products and services


ESYS employs the methodologies and
technological experience developed in other domains to defence
technology programmes, including:

  • High level system engineering for the UK Ministry of Defence’s SKYNET 5 project
  • Cost Benefit Analysis for modernisation options for a reconnaissance system
  • Requirements analysis for the BOWMAN terrestrial communications system

Contact details
- Address: 1 Occam Court, Occam Road, Guildford GU2 7HJ
- Phone: +44 (0)1483 304545
- Fax: +44 (0)1483 303878
- Web:
- Key contact: Jonathan Styles
- Email:
(Credits ESYS plc)

NEO is an innovative independent Dutch company, established in 1996 and
based in Amersfoort, The Netherlands.

NEO is an innovative independent Dutch company, established in
1996 and based in Amersfoort, The Netherlands. The focus of the company
is to apply satellite imagery in management of infrastructure and
environment, as well as in agriculture and forestry. NEO assists both
new and experienced users of remote sensing in the supplying of
satellite imagery and software to process images and especially of
knowledge: NEO’s most important activity is the interpretation and
processing of satellite imagery into useful information. This includes
technical processing and development of processing chains as well as
consultancy consultant for customers who can make use of remote sensing
technology in their line of business. Further information can also be
found on


Remote sensing technology can be applied in many different fields. NEO’s expertise includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Natural resources mapping and monitoring;
  2. Environmental information systems;
  3. Environmental monitoring;
  4. Environmental impact assessments;
  5. Environmental profiles;
  6. Forest mapping , inventory and monitoring a/o for certification prurposes – Mapping and monitoring in infrastructure management and development;
  7. Soil humidity monitoring;
  8. Coastal zone management;
  9. Digital elevation models;
  10. Satellite image/orthoimage map production;
  11. Digital cartography;
  12. Photogrammetry;
  13. Image processing;
  14. Site investigations;
  15. Risk-assessments;
  16. Inspection & control

Satellite imagery distribution

The sale of satellite imagery is a service
NEO provides to its customers. The sales activity is based on a
long-standing experience and well maintained knowledge of satellites,
ground stations, etc. as well as personal contacts across the globe
with key-persons in this field who can facilitate the access to data.
Of course, modern Internet technology is at NEO’s full disposal for
searches in international archives.

NEO can provide data of all earth
observation satellite systems through our network of contacts or refer
customers to affiliated image providers, in case the customers prefers
to handle purchases himself. NEO acts as the official distributor for
The Netherlands of European Space Imaging GmbH, EURIMAGE, SPOTIMAGE,
EUROMAP and others.

For the Benelux NEO has branded satellite
image products ranging from SAT1 to SAT100, the number indicating the
pixel size in meters on the ground. E.g. the brand SAT1 indicates a
product with a “better than one meter resolution” satellite image that
is cloud free acquired at off-nadir angels smaller than 15 degrees, and
orthorectified in the national grid.

Value adding and image processing

has an industrial approach towards the pre-processing of satellite
images and is used to handle large volumes of data. In 1997 NEO
produced its first series of 40 separate map sheets of satellite image
maps. The data throughput is at least doubling every year. In. 2004
over 6,000 images and image map sheets have been produced and sold.

NEO also interprets satellite imagery or
combines it with data from other sources such as digital thematic maps
and terrain models to get into more complex processing routines for the
extraction of information from the imagery. Direct visual
interpretation of satellite imagery e.g. for land use or vegetation
mapping is still a very common practice for NEO.

Algorithms for analysis of time series of satellite observations are
NEO’s intellectual property. Image segmentation algorithms have been
customised for specific objects and shapes. A specific method has been
developed for sensor independent (true-) colouring of imagery to render
it accessible to non-experienced users.

Of course NEO is also active in the last
stages of value adding, such as map production, numerical modelling
e.g. in yield forecasting and GIS-applications development. In early
project phases NEO can assist in collecting field data, GPS-services

Change Detection, Mutatis Mutandis

The development of high resolution satellite imagery based innovative products has been the focus for NEO’s R&D activities
since 1996. Since 2002 change detection products have become a
routinely produced product from NEO in map and database updating for
e.g. 20 municipalities and 5 water management councils in The
Netherlands. The Netherlands are a small country with a large number of
GIS-users and geo-databases. In this country every single map object on
every map changes at least once every 20 years. NEO has concluded that
it is technically feasible to identify and qualify these spatial
changes from high resolution satellite observations. Obviously for
every spatial change is there is more than one customer. A business
model and technical infrastructure is being implemented in 2005-2007
for the commercialisation of these Mutatis Mutandis products. MutMut is
also the name of one national and one international programme led by
NEO for technical innovation in this area with universities and
knowledge institutes.

Soil Moisture and its use

The Technical University of Vienna has
successfully developed algorithms to retrieve soil moisture information
from spaceborne scatterometers (a type of radar). NEO has developed
over the last 7 years methods to assimilate this numeric soil moisture
information in crop forecasting, drought early warning, flood risk
assessment, etc. In 2006 a series of operational spaceborne sensors
will become available which by than is the basis for a new line of
service provision to customers in this area.

Forest Monitoring

NEO has been active in forest monitoing
since 6 years in developing countries but also in Europe and The
Netherlands. The services provided in this area are rather variable.
One example is the Kyoto Protocol Verification on a national scale
(Netherlands and Norway), another example is the Carbon-Tradable-Offset
Montoring for initiatives in forestry also under the KYP.
A third example is the monitoring of sustainable forestry activities by
international forest companies regarding their certification under the
Forest Stewardship Cuncil.

Training by NEO

NEO has provided over 10 short training
courses in earth observation and image processing. These courses have
been delivered in English, French and Dutch. The earth observation
training activities NEO has performed, usually take place in the
framework of projects and are therefore practical in nature. The
training always involves on-the-job-training and hands-on experience
using either NEO’s image processing and training facilities or
facilities with the Customer. Training is supported by curricular
materials, etc. and visits to our partners with ITC and various

(Images credits and text by NEO)

GAF–AG: Implementing Practical Solutions through Applied Satellite Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Management

GAF AG, headquartered in Munich, Germany is an internationally active
consulting company in the fields of information systems, remote
sensing, geo-information and thematic mapping since more than 18 years
and has affiliate companies in Germany, Ukraine, and the U.S.A. GAF has
a large number of successful project references in Europe, Africa,
Asia, South America and CIS Countries. GAF have developed extensive
experience in projects related to cadastre, land registration, title
management, forestry, agriculture, natural resources, infrastructure
management, geology, environment, and other themes using state-of-the
art spatial information technology. Our services range from needs
assessment over system design and implementation, and include also
institutional strengthening and capacity building in the mentioned
sectors, training, data compilation and interpretation as well as field
work and mapping. More details on GAF can be found in the internet

GAF is a private sector
enterprise founded in Munich in 1985 merely for delivering services
around satellite remote sensing and image processing. Its steady growth
(see figure 1) and evolution over the years has been built upon a
reputation of excellence; delivering client specific-services focused
on Earth Observation (EO) data and Geo-Information (GI). Over two
decades, GAF has developed and extended its presence and impact into
new markets and application areas across a diversity of sectors by
executing a range of projects and initiatives, which can be broadly
categorised under “sustainable development.” The depth of GAF’s
technical expertise and project experience is reflected in the
geographic scope of its activities covering over 80 countries across
five continents.

From inception, GAF has maintained a progressive and pragmatic approach
to its activities and growth. It has proactively adopted advancing
GI-technologies and satellite data resources and exploited the new
opportunities, they offer in terms of products and services.
Furthermore, by analysing market trends and user requirements, GAF has
been responsive to the dynamic demands of a diverse and international
client base.

Over the last two decades, the Earth observation / remote sensing
sector has witnessed profound changes and GAF is still spearheading
these innovations. For example, while remote sensing was once
considered a highly specialised or niche application, the related
technologies and available data resources have increased exponentially
in choice, utility and user-accessibility. The cost of implementation
has similarly been reduced and to a tangible extent, the tools have
become widely distributed amongst a growing user community entering
what could be described as the “Information-Communication technologies
mainstream.” Indeed, GIS and Remote Sensing, once highly distinct
applications have now converged into the generic domain of “spatial
information management.” Furthermore, the latter capacity is now
considered essential and central (rather than optional) to a vast range
of applications including urban management, thematic digital mapping,
environmental monitoring and emerging priorities such as security

While technical advances in hardware, software, satellite data quality
and resolution etc. certainly enable the implementation process they
are not guarantors of success and client satisfaction. This requires a
systematic and customised implementation approach, sensitive to user
requirements and the uniquely challenging conditions under which
clients must operate.

Invariably, project success depends upon the quality, expertise and
professionalism of GAF’s technical and management staff at home (in
Munich) and in the field. GAF has expanded its expertise through an
steadily growing number of employees whereas experience was kept
through an extremely low fluctuation of its key personnel. With
more than 50 highly qualified permanent staff coming from
multi-disciplinary backgrounds, project teams are tailored to project
requirements and dispatched worldwide. They deliver services in project
design and planning, overall management, technical consulting and
capacity building to private, multi-national, non-governmental and
public (governmental) clients including numerous State and Federal
Ministries, the European Union (Tacis, Phare, EuropeAID), ESA, KfW, The
World Bank, IDB, ADB and UN organisations such as the FAO as well as
other bi-lateral donors and funding agencies.

While GAF focus areas include the application of satellite remote
sensing and geographical information systems to agriculture, forestry,
environment, natural resources management and geology, cadastre, land
management and infrastructure, these key areas are not mutually
exclusive. GAF rarely addresses a sectoral problem – for example
regional forest monitoring – in isolation, but seeks synergies such as
institutional strengthening and governance improvements, as well as
highlighting the policy implications of outputs to clients. In this
way, the full benefits of the technical assistance and GAF’s
intervention is maximised.

GAF, as a member of TELESPAZIO, a Finmeccanica Group company, is in a
unique position to draw on synergies not available before and to become
an even more important player as service provider in a European and
global context.

In close cooperation with DLR (The German Space Agency), GAF’s daughter
company Euromap receives processes and distributes image data from
Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites on an exclusive basis for
Europe. This offers unparalleled access to a unique archive with
contemporary and cost effective image-data suitable for many
applications. With the most recent introduction of high resolution
imagery from the latest IRS P6 sensor, GAF has once again, injected
real innovation into the EO marketplace.

Optimising the utility and (user) value of a wide range of satellite
data has always been a priority for GAF. Through its « geodata
store » GAF distributes satellite imagery and value-added data
sets such as Digital Terrain Models (DTM), land cover and land use
information to clients worldwide. Its market performance has been
acknowledged with industry awards recognising the company as one of the
leading European distributors of satellite data. In addition, an
enviable track record of client satisfaction and successfully completed
projects has confirmed GAF as an innovator and leader in the dynamic EO
sector. Furthermore, GAF’s commitment to maintaining its role in a
rapidly changing and competitive sector ensures the adoption of state
of the art methods and technologies in digital image processing,
cartography and applications development. Borne out of the need to
streamline and optimize in house information management and analysis
processes, GAF has started several years ago with the development of
application dedicated software tools in support of some of its core
domains such as agriculture and geology. These activities have grown
into a viable market and have broadened the portfolio of GAF products
and services.

Today, the technical competence and vast experience of GAF is embodied
in over 600 successfully completed projects worldwide. GAF considers
all of its clients, from the earliest to the most recent, and the
growing user community they represent as a most precious asset. This
valuable human capital (empowered with technical skills and EO
resources) continues to make positive contributions in social,
environmental and economic spheres and consequently, they create and
strengthen development opportunities worldwide.

GAF AG is currently managed by the founder of the company, Dr. Rupert Haydn (CEO) and Dr. Peter Volk (COO).

D-80634 Munich
Phone: 089 12 1528-0
Fax: 089 12 15 28-79