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Building partnerships with UN-SPIDER

UN-SPIDER’s goal is to ensure that countries as well as international and regional organization can fully benefit from the opportunities that space-based information offers for risk and disaster management.

The world of disaster management and space-based technology is complex and potential users are still struggling to fully capture all information about the existence, availability and accessibility, quality, costs and timeliness of space-based data. Disaster management experts, national institutions and governments are sometimes not aware of the full potential of satellite technology and the benefit it offers for disaster and risk management. Therefore, the UN-SPIDER Programme was founded as a platform to bring institutions and practitioners together to share their knowledge and expertise, and to improve access to space-based information for disaster management.

The successful implementation of UN-SPIDER’s mandate benefits from the support and voluntary contributions in cash and in kind of our partners: Member States, national institutions, governmental institutions and non-governmental institutions. Four projects to build partnerships have been identified on the sidelines of the 55th session of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) in June 2012:

The United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) has furthermore announced partnership projects in the areas of Space Applications for the Management of Natural Resources, Space Applications for Health, the Basic Space Technology Initiative, the Human Space Technology Initiative, Navigation Satellite Systems and Space Law. Find out more.

Interested in building a partnership with us?
Get in touch, we’ll tell you more:
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Telephone: +43-1-260 60 4950
Fax: +43-1-260 60 5830
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