16.09.2010: New MERIS L1 processor and updates for BEAM 4.8.
The MERIS L1 Equalization processor, a new processor for MERIS Level 1 data products, is now available. It performs a radiometric equalization of the MERIS L1b products. It reduces detector-to-detector and camera-to-camera systematic radiometric differences and results into a diminution of the vertical stripping observed on MERIS L1b products.
Additionally, several modules of BEAM have been updated.The changes are listed in the issue summary
16.09.2010: German online magazine Golem.de refers to CalVal Portal
31.07.2010: New BEAM 4.8, GlobToolbox 2.0, SMOS-Box 2.1, CHRIS-Box 1.5.2, and EPR-API 2.2 have been released
In the BEAM 4.8 release we have added a number of new readers to enable BEAM to work with even more remote sensing products. In particular we have added readers for products originating from the SPOT VEGETATION programme, for Landsat TM products in GeoTIFF format, for HDF-EOS gridded products, and a reader for generic NetCDF/CF-products. BEAM 4.8 also allows to export products to the widely used data format NetCDF/CF. As another feature it is now possible to apply “auto-grouping” in the product tree; that is, product nodes whose names start with the same character sequence are automatically put into a common group.
GlobToolbox 2.0 extends the first version of the GlobToolbox by a number of tools tackling the time dimension. First of all, a time series manager allows to define and edit time series. A time series player allows vividly visualising a time series by providing the control elements for navigating through a time series, either manually or automatically. And a time series graph has been developed which may be used to compare values of different measures, such as TSM or SST, for a specified time series. Apart from time series, the GlobToolbox 2.0 additionally allows to export arbitrary global products to the widely used NetCDF/CF-format.
Release 2.1 of the SMOS-Box is a maintenance release. The main new feature is the export of grid points in the Earth Explorer format.
CHRIS-Box 1.5.2 is a release which allows the CHRIS-Box to run properly with BEAM 4.8.
The release 2.2 of the Envisat Reader API now functions correctly on 64-bit architectures.
The respective installers can be downloaded from website.