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Bridging the gap between INnovative enterprises and financial inVEstors in the emerging ICT markets of SaTellite applications

INVESaT is a European initiative which aims to bridge the gap between innovative small and medium sized enterprises and financial investors in the emerging markets of satellite Earth observation, navigation, timing, geo-positioning and telecommunications applications.

About INVESaT- Strategic Background
In the ICT sector, whether in the USA, Japan, or Europe, innovative services are already in use, based on large scale space-based investments. They involve earth observation, telecommunication, navigation, timing and positioning satellites. In combination with the advent of powerful handheld terminals and the demand for ubiquitous services, it is expected that info-mobility applications will reveal new sources of business in the years ahead, using in particular the GMES, EGNOS and future GALILEO systems to position any feature or user anywhere in the world within a few meters of accuracy.
Hence, satellite based capabilities must be seen as new and unique opportunities for Europe to enhance economic development in the knowledge economy.
This growth potential has already been grasped by many incubating structures in Europe. Yet, the actual business growth rate appears below expectations for many European players when they look at what occurred in the USA after the launch of the GPS positioning system.
Europe must therefore overcome intrinsic barriers to seize these new business opportunities faster and with more economic impacts.
The INVESaT strategy:
* Constitution of a dedicated network of key representatives from the space sector and finance communities
* Providing SMEs and entrepreneurs with the knowledge required for the development of successful business models in the field of space applications
* Overcoming barriers for capital investment to invest into innovative services from space
* Catalysing innovation financing through entrepreneurs’ fora
* Coaching of entrepreneurs no real cases in the network of space related incubators
(Credits INVESAT)