With the information provided by BMT ARGOSS, TAQA Energy B.V can optimise operability and minimise risks due to unexpected and unfavourable weather conditions during drilling operations. In addition, the weather forecasts are used to safely transfer crews going offshore by helicopters.
Jean-Paul Lindeboom, Senior Meteorologist and heading the Centre at BMT ARGOSS comments: “Servicing clients like TAQA is bringing BMT ARGOSS right in the middle of our core business, Metocean and Weather forecasting. We will be using all off our in-house capabilities, like our extensive database, our experienced
oceanographers and maritime forecasters”.
The BMT ARGOSS MetOcean Weather Forecast and Emergency Response Centre provides weather forecasts and emergency response services globally. The dedicated forecasts, issued by a team of experienced Maritime Meteorologists, are designed to help minimise weather-related downtime and risk. The Weather Support Desk is available 24/7 by phone or email. In addition, the Meteorologists of BMT ARGOSS are qualified to provide on-site support of offshore operations.
BMT ARGOSS is a consulting company monitoring, analysing and forecasting environmental conditions with a focus on providing innovative meteorological and oceanographic solutions to the offshore, coastal and port sectors, and rban
management authorities.
Using in-house resources and expertise on MetOcean conditions, ocean & atmospheric modelling, meteorology, remote sensing and data assimilation we support numerous projects and operations around the world. The services that BMT ARGOSS offers are used, amongst others, for design of offshore structures, downtime analysis, operations planning and the execution of maritime operations.