The BMT ARGOSS weather forecasting department in Atyrau is currently forecasting record high temperatures for the Atyrau area of Kazakhstan in early December. These highs are exceptional and are interfering with normal operations taking place offshore in the northern parts of the Caspian Sea.
The current highest recorded December temperature is 11.8℃ (1947) while the current lowest recorded December temperature is -33.9℃ (1933). Early December’s forecast temperatures of around 12℃ are far higher than the expected December mean temperature of 7.4℃.
Usually in this time of year a dominating high pressure area is found over Russia, causing the winds over the Atyrau region to blow from northerly to easterly directions. These winds practically always bring cold air from central Russia to the north-western part of Kazakhstan bringing an end to the summer working window.
Jean-Paul Lindeboom, BMT ARGOSS Forecast Manager, currently in Atyrau states:
“We help our customers utilise the full potential of available weather windows, allowing them to reduce their operational risk and save time. This high temperature means that the offshore operation can continue, whereas they would normally have already switched to winter operations.”