Delivering Continuous EO-based Data Streams
BETTER is implementing a Big Data intermediate service layer focused on creating user-centric services and tools, while addressing the full data lifecycle associated with EO data, to bring more downstream users to the EO market and maximize exploitation of Copernicus data and information services. These customized solutions, denominated as Data Pipelines, are driven by data challenges identified by the Challenge Promoters – users deeply involved in addressing key Societal Challenges.
BETTER is improving the way Big Data service developers interact with end-users. Once a Challenge Promoter defines the respective challenge and set of requirements in a dedicated workshop, the BETTER development team – DEIMOS, Terradue and Fraunhofer – co-designs the solution with the users, and is then responsible for the implementation and delivery of the Data Pipelines. During the implementation phase, promoters can continuously test and validate the pipelines. Later, the implemented pipelines are used by the public in the scope of Hackathons, enabling the use of the data pipelines in other areas and the collection of additional user feedback.
The Data Pipelines will deliver continuously large volume EO based datasets to users, customized to their needs, which in turn will allow the user to focus on the analysis of the extraction of the potential knowledge within the data and not on the processing of the data itself.
The Data Pipelines are deployed on top of a mature EO data and service support ecosystem which has been under consolidation from previous R&D activities. The ecosystem and its further development rely on the experience and versatility of the consortium team responsible for service/tool development – DEIMOS and Terradue. This is complemented by Fraunhofer’s experience in Big Data systems, which brings to the consortium transversal knowledge extraction technologies and tools that will help bridge the current gap between the EO and ICT sectors.
Addressing Key Societal Challenges
Earth Observation data is used more and more to help solve global societal challenges, by itself or integrated with other data streams. Accordingly, stakeholders have to deal with a large volume of diverse data sources that sometimes needs to be processed and made available within a short period. BETTER brings a unique approach to exploit the potential of EO Big Data to help address the top priorities of key societal areas, driven by thematic challenges set by promoters that are main stakeholders in their areas.
By using a user-centric and flexible approach, BETTER will maximize impact of the built pipelines on the operational and R&D activities of the promoters and reach additional related user communities so that they start reusing those pipelines and building additional processing components on top of them. Currently, BETTER is reaching the end of the first yearly challenge cycle with several pipelines already developed or under development. Those pipelines will be made available to other users in a First BETTER Hackathon to take place mid next year.
WFP, SatCen and ETH-Z working in the areas of Food Security, Secure Societies and GeoHazards are the baseline Challenge Promoters of the project. Each one of them, will introduce at least 3 challenges per year. BETTER is also welcoming new Challenge Promoters addressing a key societal challenge. Whether you are an EO service provider, a non-EO expert decision maker or a developer, BETTER can boost your solution with the advantages of Big Data technologies and tools. If you are interested in becoming a new Challenge Promoter in 2019 or you would like to assess other possibilities to engage with BETTER, contact us
For more information, please check our website ( and follow us on Twitter (@BETTER_H2020)!