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Assimila current projects

Projects in 2008-2009: Environmental Research Funders Forum Mapping Study of Coordination Bodies and Department of Energy and Climate Change Review of GECC

Environmental Research Funders Forum Mapping Study of Coordination Bodies (2008-2009)

Assimila is undertaking a review of coordination bodies in environmental science. The purpose of the review is to identify gaps and overlaps in coordination in order that ERFF may target its activities more effectively.

The Environmental Research Funders Forum (ERFF) is an initiative of 19 major UK public-sector funders of environmental research in order to maximize the coherence and effectiveness of UK funding for environmental research, monitoring or observation, policy development and training. Assimila is supporting ERFF in a study of coordination bodies for environmental science in the UK. The study has identified and categorized a large number of coordination bodies and consulted with the major ones to establish a clear view of their scope, objectives, membership and methods of operation.

The study will include an analysis of gaps and overlaps which will enable ERFF to target its own activities more effectively.

More information can be found on the ERFF WWW site

Department of Energy and Climate Change Review of GECC (2008-2009)

Assimila is undertaking a review of the Global Environmental Change Committee (GECC) for DECC. The review is based on a consultation of GECC members and stakeholders and will identify how well the GECC has been meeting its aims and objectives, recommending changes where appropriate

Source Assimila