(Feb 2007) We specialise in monitoring, analysing and predicting the physical environment of our planet: weather, climate, ocean waves and currents, air and water quality. We develop our information products and services based on knowledge of geophysical processes, (remote) sensing techniques and mathematical modelling and optimisation. IT is an essential component of our work to develop operational systems including our operational (24/7) web-based services. In addition, we conduct R&D on contract basis.
Our clients include governmental agencies, offshore oil and gas companies, space agencies, insurance companies, and maritime companies, within Europe as well as abroad.
We are growing and seek 4-5 new staff bringing a mix of skills and expertise. For all positions, we need team players with a practical attitude, keen to work in a commercial environment, and with enough programming skills to build applications in a high-level computational environment.
You are invited to apply if you recognise yourself in one or more of the following profiles:
Naval Architect or Ocean Engineer
Making use of available databases, forecasts etc you will be responsible for the analysis of
MetOcean conditions and their impact on activities and infrastructure at sea. You will advise and
report to clients, and help develop the in-house expertise and tools. We expect you to have an
MSc/PhD degree in a relevant discipline and a solid background in hydromechanics. Experience
in the maritime or offshore industry will be an asset.
MetOcean conditions and their impact on activities and infrastructure at sea. You will advise and
report to clients, and help develop the in-house expertise and tools. We expect you to have an
MSc/PhD degree in a relevant discipline and a solid background in hydromechanics. Experience
in the maritime or offshore industry will be an asset.
or physicist/mathematician keen to specialise in these fields
You will analyse and advise clients on MetOcean conditions, develop numerical models,
oceanographic databases and analysis techniques, and support forecasting. We expect you to
have an MSc/PhD degree in a relevant discipline.
or physicist/mathematician keen to specialise in these fields
You will analyse and advise clients on MetOcean conditions, develop numerical models,
oceanographic databases and analysis techniques, and support forecasting. We expect you to
have an MSc/PhD degree in a relevant discipline.
Scientist with strong IT skills
or software developer with scientific computing experience
You will work with a system for high-resolution meteorological and air-quality models and the
supporting IT-infrastructure. Your will share responsibility for the development and support of
this system, interpretation of the predictions, and development of information products based on
these predictions. You are fluent in the use of Linux and have a solid programming experience
and affinity with scientific applications. We expect you to have an MSc degree or able to
demonstrate that you are currently working at this level.
or software developer with scientific computing experience
You will work with a system for high-resolution meteorological and air-quality models and the
supporting IT-infrastructure. Your will share responsibility for the development and support of
this system, interpretation of the predictions, and development of information products based on
these predictions. You are fluent in the use of Linux and have a solid programming experience
and affinity with scientific applications. We expect you to have an MSc degree or able to
demonstrate that you are currently working at this level.
Primarily working on R&D projects, you will be analysing and developing Earth Observation
systems and applications. You should have a solid physics background, proven research
experience, preferably in atmospheric optics or microwave or optical/IR sensing. We expect you
to have an MSc degree MSc/PhD degree.
systems and applications. You should have a solid physics background, proven research
experience, preferably in atmospheric optics or microwave or optical/IR sensing. We expect you
to have an MSc degree MSc/PhD degree.
ARGOSS is located in the Geomatics Business Park, Marknesse, The Netherlands
To apply,
Please send your application comprising a letter of motivation and CV
Please send your application comprising a letter of motivation and CV
(Source ARGOSS)