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Aratos Technologies SA

Aratos Technologies News

28th of June 2010: Installation of Aratos Disaster Control in Arcadia
At 28th of June 2010, Aratos Technologies S.A. signed the contract with the Prefecture of Arcadia for the acquisition of Aratos Disaster Control. Moreover, the installation of the system was accomplished successfully.

17th-18th ofJune 2010, Kick-off meeting of the SEOCA project
Aratos Technologies S.A. participated in the kick-off meeting of the SEOCA (GEO Capacity building initiative in Central Asia) project which took place from 17th to 18th of June 2010. You can visit the project’s website here

Aratos Technologies S.A. participated in the 4th GEO European Projects Workshop (, representing FP7 SEOCA project ( The Workshop took place in Athens from 29th to 30th of April.

Source Aratos