“We have been pleased with the performance of our UltraCamD. The imagery has always met or greatly exceeded our clients’ expectations,” noted ASC’s President, Alex Giannelia. “We decided to upgrade to the UltraCamX because it will give us productivity improvements while maintaining a common equipment infrastructure.”
“Vexcel Imaging is pleased to continue its association with ASC,” said Alexander Wiechert, Business Director of Microsoft and Managing Director for Vexcel Imaging GmbH. “We make every effort to develop the products our customers need, and to provide upgrade paths that help them grow their businesses.”
Vexcel Imaging provides upgrade paths so that clients can upgrade any large-format UltraCam model to any newer model and retain compatibility with established workflows. The sequence of large-format digital aerial camera system models is UltraCamD, UltraCamX, UltraCamXp, UltraCamXp Wide Angle. Similarly, the medium-format UltraCamL can be upgraded to an UltraCamLp.
Internet: www.microsoft.com/ultracam/en-us/UltraCamXp.aspx