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ADPC signs an agreement with UNOOSA to become a UN-SPIDER RSO

The Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre recently signed an agreement with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs to become a Regional Support Office of the UN-SPIDER programme. For three decades ADPC has been devoting efforts to provide technical advisory support to countries in Asia and Asia Pacific in the topics of disaster risk reduction, preparedness, disaster response and recovery.

Established in 1986, ADPC is as an independent regional organization. It works in a number of countries in the Asia region including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi-Arabia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam. With headquarters located in Bangkok, Thailand, ADPC has country offices in Bangladesh and Myanmar. ADPC’s well-established networks with government line agencies and strong partnerships with regional organizations and development agencies provide the foundation for its work.

ADPC is a strong partner in Asia in the context of capacity building, offering a variety of training courses at the national and regional levels on an annual basis on many topics related to disaster risk management and climate change.
