In autumn 2016, the calls for proposals under Horizon 2020’s Societal Challenge “Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials” will be launched with deadlines of proposal submissions in February and March 2017.
Among other, the calls will include a topic directly targeted at the EO solutions.
The Fourth EU-Africa Summit of 2-3 April 2014 agreed on a roadmap for 2014-2017 including actions specifically targeted at delivering Earth observation services in priority domains for Africa such as food security.
This topic aims to contribute to this roadmap by providing food supply projection and agricultural risk assessment for Africa.
Funded projects should lead to substantially increase the use of Earth observing capabilities and supporting application systems to produce timely, objective, reliable, and transparent crop and livestock production projection at the national and regional level for the African continent. Deadline for proposals submission is 14 February 2017 at 17:00 (Brussels time).
The list of all planned topics under H2020 Societal Challenge call is available on the European Comission’s website.