The latest activation came after the Tropical cyclone Debbie made landfall, in northeast Australia’s Queensland state, which caused the evacuation of some communities because of extensive coastal inundation.
e-GEOS provides, in coordination with JRC (the Joint Research Centre) of the European Commission, within the Copernicus Programme, with geospatial information and satellite maps of areas affected by emergencies, providing the civil protection and the competent authorities of the countries of the Union and international humanitarian Organizations, with the data necessary for the management of catastrophic events.
e-GEOS can make available to the European Commission and any authorized user for each area of the world, within few hours of the onset of the emergency, also the pre-and post-event mapping, which facilitates the organisation and rescue operations. The service, available 24/7/365, has a production capacity dedicated to crisis situations like floods, earthquakes, fires, technological disasters and is managed by e-GEOS, leading a consortium formed by the German subsidiary GAF, the German Space Agency (DLR), the Italian company Ithaca and the French SIRS and SERTIT.
Citizens can find all the activations of the Copernicus Emergency Management service at this link .