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eoapp SDB-Online: Speeding-up bathymetric mapping

eoapp SDB-Online was launched in 2022 as a cloud-based web app, which allows users to map shallow waters “from the comfort of one’s desk”. eoapp SDB-Online uses multispectral satellite data to create high-resolution bathymetric grids – so called Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB). EOMAP’s physics-based approach to SDB is the key to this offering, which provides high-resolution bathymetric data for shallow waters, quickly and without the need to perform on-site survey or measurement campaigns. It also provides verification and visualization of the bathymetric results.
eoapp SDB-Online allows users to generate bathymetric data from the shoreline down to 10 to 20m of water depth, depending on environmental conditions. This is the depth zone where the seabed is most dynamic, and which is of highest importance for multiple applications. In addition, this is the depth zone which is a “white gap” of traditional ship-based surveys. Therefore, the solution not only helps to monitor the coastal seabed movement, but also works synergistically with standard surveys by filling in gaps.
These benefits allow survey companies, hydrographers, coastal engineers, government authorities, or coastal zone managers to benefit from quick access to bathymetric data created online: SDB-Online.
Now, EOMAP has launched the second round of new features of eoapp SDB-Online. The target: to create an optimal user experience while improving accuracies.
The three new tools include the following:

  • Adjust Water Level: You can adjust the water level of the SDB output to the vertical datum of your choice, based on individual tidal values.
  • Cut-off Depth Tool: The improved tool can now cut out false positive measurements on both the upper and lower ends of the range.
  • Manual Cleaning Tool: Using either the freehand or polygon mode, any false positive areas of the bathymetric surface can be masked out to remove them from the final output.
    SDB-Online is part of the “eoapp” series by EOMAP: Smart web applications offering satellite-based information with a few mouse clicks.
    Register for free at eoapp SDB-Online or reach out to for further details.