ECOPOTENTIAL is a EU-H2020 project, funded under the call SC5-16-2014 – Making Earth Observation and Monitoring Data usable for ecosystem modelling and services. It started in June 2015 and it will last four years. With 48 partners and 28 protected areas involved, it is one of the largest EU funded projects on ecosystems and it … Continue reading “What is ECOPOTENTIAL?”
Who are the ECOPOTENTIAL Partners?
The ECOPOTENTIAL consortium is formed by 48 partners, including research institutions, universities, environmental agencies, international institutions, small and medium enterprises, with a high complementarity and expertise in all the various fields needed in the Project. The whole structure of the ECOPOTENTIAL Consortium creates a chain of research/applications/actions that go from the recovery, analysis and interpretation … Continue reading “Who are the ECOPOTENTIAL Partners?
What are the ECOPOTENTIAL Storylines?
The scientific partners are defining a number of narratives (the storylines), which contextualize the overall workflow of ECOPOTENTIAL in particular ecological, management and policy settings. A storyline links real-life issues which have broad relevance to many Protected Areas included in the ECOPOTENTIAL project. The storylines will specific the needs for Earth Observation data and in-situ … Continue reading What are the ECOPOTENTIAL Storylines
A storyline: alpine mountain lakes
Ohrid/Prespa, Gran Paradiso National Park, Sierra Nevada: Ecosystem services and biodiversity crisis across mountain lakes Mountain lakes are usually oligotrophic and host specialized ecosystems, rich in endemic species but with limited species range. This, paired with increasing environmental pressures, makes their biodiversity particularly sensitive to external pressures. As one of the primary species responses to … Continue reading A storyline-alpine mountain lakes
Discover a Protected Area: The Gran Paradiso National Park (Italy)
The Gran Paradiso National Park (GPNP) is located in Italy, in the western Alpine region. Instituted in 1922, it is the oldest Italian National Park and, with its surface covering 70,000 ha, is one of the most extended. It borders with the Vanoise National Park in France, thus forming a huge system of high-elevation protected … Continue reading Discover a Protected Area.The Gran Paradiso National Park
Discover a Protected Area: The Wadden Sea (The Netherlands)
The international Wadden Sea is a productive estuarine area, and one of the largest coastal wetlands of the world, in the southeastern coastal zone of the North Sea bordering northern Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. It is characterized by extensive tidal mud flats, saltmarshes, and deeper tidal creeks between the mainland and the chain of islands … Continue reading Discover a Protected Area-The Wadden Sea
News and Events in ECOPOTENTIAL
ECOPOTENTIAL General Assembly – Texel (the Netherlands) June 27th-30th 2016 The ECOPOTENTIAL General Assembly will take place in Texel (The Netherlands), on June 27th-30th 2016. It will be a unique occasion for gathering all the consortium partners and the scientific advisors, and it provides an important forum for discussing all scientific issues of the project. … Continue reading News and Events in ECOPOTENTIAL