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“SPACED: Using Earth Observations to Protect Natural Landscapes” exhibition in Bruxelles

ECOPOTENTIAL has landed at the European Parliament in Brussels! From 8 to 12 January 2018, the Place du Luxembourg building hosted the exhibition “SPACED: Using Earth Observations to Protect Natural Landscapes”.

Through the 26 exposed panels it has been possible to know more about the protected areas studied in the project, among the most beautiful in Europe and in the world, and the research activities carried out by the project partners. Beautiful pictures and satellite images, accompanied by short texts, illustrated how researchers and managers of protected areas are working together to study mountain, arid, coastal and marine ecosystems.

The panels of the exhibition illustrate in simple language the scientific work, and in particular the use that is made of satellite data, but also the beauty of the places, making immediately grasp the importance of scientific research aimed at improving the conservation of our natural environments.

After the European Parliament, the exhibition has been hosted again in Bruxelles at the Council of the Regions during the month of February.

We are evaluating other opportunities to let the exhibition travel in other locations in Europe and translate it also in other languages. Stay tuned for further developments! Take a look at the photo gallery: click here and read the article on the EASME Website.
