Level 1C products of Oceansat-2 OCM data acquired on 8th and 9th April 2018
Since the start of the operational acquisitions on 1st January 2016, OCM data from all the satellite passes within the five degree visibility cone of the Neustrelitz ground station have been acquired, processed to create system corrected image products and geo-physical parameter products, and delivered to ESA in near real time (NRT) to subsequently further promote scientific research and applications. Thanks to the wide swath of the OCM, Europe and the surrounding waters are covered every two days.
After registration, the data can be accessed free of charge through ESA’s Third Party Missions dissemination service. See also ESA’s Earth Online.
GAF’s sub-contractor, the German Aerospace Agency (DLR), provides GAF with the satellite data reception service at its ground station in Neustrelitz.
The Oceansat-2 activities in Neustrelitz are funded by and carried out under the Earthnet programme and its Third Party Mission activities of the European Space Agency.
The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.